Monday, April 23, 2012

The quest for diamonds

the ender man
One glorious day in mine-craft a user spawned. His name was Noobly when he spawned he heard a strange noise from under him it sounded sort of like a cry of fear. As the sun went down he noticed that strange figures and creatures started appearing, he ran as fast as he could until he found a small cave and collected some gravel from the inside and then filled in the hole. Noobly waited there for about 2 hours and thought to himself i bet its sunrise already and dug out a gravel piece and saw this strange black humanoid figure with purple eyes and very long arms and legs and he said "what the heck is that thing?" he continued to stare at the figure when it suddenly disappeared and then Noobly filled in the hole and he heard another sudden cry of fear and two black arms started pulling the blocks away from the filled hole and then another user joined the game and was in the same cave as Noobly. His name was snake Noobly cried out "what the heck is that thing?!" and snake replied it is an ender man they only attack when you stare at them. Noobly replies "WHAT?!" snake says to him calm down i know how to defeat him. "how?" said Noobly. Do you know were any water or lakes are? yeah um right down there at the end of the cave, replied Noobly. Snake placed about 3 torches and opened the hole. Noobly yelled out "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I'm letting him follow me to that water source. "why?" ender men are harmed by water. "okay" replied Noobly as snake led the ender man to the water noobly filled up the hole again and the ender man started dieing and when he finally did Noobly collected 3 multicolored orbs and what is called an ender pearl and snake said "let me see that i know what to do with that" he mixed it with blaze powder and created the eye of ender. When snake released the eye it floated away and lead them to a wall made of stone bricks and iron bars this building was almost at bedrock and as they ventured through the famed "stronghold" and as they followed the eyes of ender they came across a strange portal looking thing and each frame that made up the portal looking thing had an eye of ender in it and the portals material was a black substance and Noobly asked snake, "what is this thing" and snake replied this leads to another realm known most commonly as The End. Well why is it called that? asked Noobly.  Because when you beat the boss you beat the game, and if you come with me you will have your diamonds the choice is yours. And Noobly said im in lets do this and jumped in and snake followed. When they got there Noobly told snake i'm starting to regret my choice of actions. Snake asked Why are you regretting your choice. Because this realm is populated by only ENDER MEN!!!!!!!!! Snake stared at the ender men and as they began to scream they all suddenly ran away and fell off of the end dimension. And Noobly said that was easy. About 2 seconds after he said that a black and purple dragon flew over their heads and snake pulled out his bow and opened fire on the dragon but the dragon flew past a tower made of obsidian and had a strange crystal on top of it that was healing it so snake decided to fly up there. And Noobly asked how he did that and snake replied with only two words CJB MOD-PACK!!,and also flying is enabled on this server. snake destroyed  the crystal and Noobly pulled out his golden sword of justice that he had found in one of the hidden chests in the stronghold and flew up to the dragon and cut of its head and it vanished he saw a fountain looking thing on the ground and jumped off of the obsidian pillar and landed in it and was transported back to the over world and saw a chest and when he   opened it was filled entirely with stacks of diamonds and he told snake, "you promised me diamonds and i got diamonds" and gave him 1 stack of them. And then snake said thank you but sadly i must depart. And Noobly asked, "Why?" and snake replied saying i just got grounded for playing to long and left the game.And that is how a Noob found the END  and got diamonds.

Monday, April 2, 2012

why laws are important

laws against crime and terrorism
     Laws are important because without them there would most likely be anarchy and destruction such as if there  were no law against murder you could shoot whom ever you please. Or if terrorism was legal there would be destruction all over the country and the government and economy would collapse. We would go through wars and police actions to stop it all with the death of millions.Then the united states as we know it would burn to the ground.

laws against animal cruelty
     The law against animal cruelty is also very important because animals deserve the same treatment as humans. Unless they're cold blooded killers then you can put them down just not brutally......just something like lethal injection. Killing animals happens every day it happens by starvation, shooting, torture and burning. And when all that happens the killer takes pleasure in putting  them to death.

laws against child abuse
    The law against child abuse is one of the most important laws of them all because hurting or beating a child happens sometimes so bad that the child dies. The abuse also happens with torture, forced starvation and even on the worst occasions of all they are killed and eaten by there guardians or parents. Child abuse has been seen all over the world. child abuse shows and you can see it, so speak up and donate to charities that help stop it and make a difference.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

why there's a face on mars

Once upon a time there lived a giant lonely robot on mars. Well this very lonely robot sought to get revenge for the death of his  beautiful wife. She died because of the humans on earth that visited mars 100 years ago. So the very large robot took a huge leap to earth, on his way he met the moon and stayed there for a few years and jumped again and landed in Washington DC on the white house and went on a rampage through the city trying to find the Smithsonian were his wife's body was being shown as a display. The sad robot took her back to mars and buried her properly. He then went back to earth and tried to fight the military of the united states and sadly lost. His fight for revenge was over and the lonely robot was shot from a cannon back to mars in witch he died from the impact and his body spread all around the planet and they rusted over time and that made mars rusty red. His head is covered in rock and rust from the day he died and today you can still see his face on the mountain were he buried his wife. And that's why mars is red and why you can see a face on the surface of mars. The End

Monday, March 5, 2012

attack of the waffle men

One day an elite fighting squad called Teddy Bears United was undergoing an experiment to teleport someone to the moon and they chose Frank the muffin teddy bear. When they performed the test's on him the world exploded and Frank the muffin teddy bear woke up in a different dimension on another planet ruled by giant waffle men. He walked across 30 miles of syrupy destruction and found another teddy bear that was an operative from the teddy bears united. and the operative said "Freeze! who are you!?" and Frank replies "whoa whoa whoa i'm just the muffin teddy bear from the teddy bears united who are you?" me oh i'm Joe bob a sergeant from teddy bears united. How did you get here? Well they were performing a teleporting experiment on me and well the Earth exploded' so were are we any way? We are on a distant planet called......Waffle. What are you talking about!? (said frank) Yeah they did those experiments on me too. But the earth did not explode. Yeah well sorry for destroying our home. It's okay i have been here for thirty years. Whoa! how old are you!? on this planet there are force fields surrounding us so it is invisible to the earths radar and it makes us not age. Really!? YES! Wow so are there aliens here or something? Yeah have you not noticed all the syrup? Is that what that gooey stuff is? Yep. So how did it get there? the waffle men. The what!? Yeah the things that make the syrup are the waffle men they are the rulers of this planet. Oh okay and are they edible? Of course there giant waffles for glob sake. Well do you have any weapons to fight them off with? DERP of course i do i have some of there laser pistols after i killed like two of them with a rock. So may i see one? Sure. Geese Louise that is awesome! I know it now grab one me and you are going to take down there emperor and save this world and get home. But i already told you earth is destroyed. No it's not it's right over there look. Wow i feel very stupid right now, and how will we get home any way? Duh they have a teleporter. Figures. NOW TO BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Alright there are the castle guards attach your scope and take them down. Alright then. *gun goes off* target down. *second shot is fired* Alright were clear. You are a sharp shooter son. have you ever used a gun? Nope. Huh that's strange. Yeah i guess it's just natural. Uh huh natural
Alright frank there are five more guards take em down. Alright watch this. *one shot is fired* Whoa you hit all of the with one shot. and i'm pretty sure that's all the castle guards. Yep now move up to the kings room MOVE OUT GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you ready to free this planet. You know it. On three. one.... two..... THREE. *door brakes down king is startled* Freeze emperor waffle gusta. HAHAHAHHAHA!!!! is that really his name oh my glob that's hilarious. Yes yes i know (said king waffle gusta.) Well back to the revolution. you have held this world under oppression for to long and i'm about to end that all and free this world of you and your waffle kind. my name is Joe bob and i shall save this world *gun fires* he is dead. Wow that was dramatic.Yeah i know but it was worth it even though i just made myself feel stupid now, lets go home. 
and that's how two teddy bears freed an entire planet